Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Like His

Because MEN need a little attention too, this blue is just for you!

Men - we know how much you like to look and feel your best just as much as we ladies do, so today we're dedicating this article to you, and all of your guy-ness. And because a little attitude never hurt anyone, and for some reason seems to make you look super sexy as heck, here are a few pointers to help you look and feel your best, while we get to enjoy you doing it.
  • Try pulling a Superman every once in a while. Women love that kind of thing, not to mention it's a real confidence booster for the male ego.
For example: and this is just an example. Throw your body in front of a closing elevator door real dramatic like. Then grab the edge of the closing door with both hands, pulling it open. Make sure to emphasize straining for effect, as this is a crucial part of the plan. Finally stand there blocking the door from closing, so that you and your love or future love, can get in-and-out real quick like. For real, my husband did this for me the other day and we're still laughing and smiling about it, swoon... 'cause he ๐Ÿ’œhearts me!
  • Say "I got this" ...real serious like, then give it your best sly-like or devilish grin.
Deep down you'll be like "yeah, I'm cool" and she'll be like "awe, he's cute". So it's a win, win...
  •  Find a way to use the words, "she's with me", and extra points if you grab her by the waist pulling her body close to yours as your saying it.
  • Put a little bravado in your chest, especially if it's in a playful way.
Now repeat after me...
  1. Deep Breath
  2. Back Straight
  3. Chest Inflated
  4. Start Walking
  • Find your signature YOU. Whatever it is. The thing you'll want to be remembered by, that'll always make you feel confident and great about yourself. That THING that makes you, YOU. Whether it's a:
  1. Preferred Scent
  2. Cool Jacket
  3. A GREAT pair of shoes

  4. Quality Talisman-like Keychain

  5. A Sturdy Wallet
  6. Or Phone of Choice
  7.  And whenever possible, all of the above

Remember it's okay to splurge on the staples that ground you, they're the things that keep you classic, and always feeling great.


*The elevator example is just for fun. Kids, please don't try this at home. Like His Article.

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