Sunday, September 19, 2010

Lady Legs

At 5 foot tall I've learned to embrace the phrases that come with being petite, such as; little, tiny, cute & the ever so recent favorite shorty.

And though I genuinely enjoy being slight of frame,  I never seem to tire of finding ways to pull together and elongate my overall look.

So whether you've been blessed with a  small, tall, voluptuous or athletic frame - below are some universal tips to help us look and feel our best.

  • Clothes with a tailored fit
Nothing makes you feel like your schlepping it more than walking around in over-sized clothes that seem to have swallowed you up whole. Look for items that fit well.
  • Keep up with new trends
Maybe take a peek inside some of the Jr'll find some fun new trends walking around and on the racks! But please only one trend at a time...and depending on age keep it appropriate.
  • Nude colored shoes
If you want to achieve the look of a long and lean leg reach for a nude colored shoe. If you want those same legs to look like they go on for days and days...make sure they also have a pointy toe.

A skin-colored shoe will create an illusion of the leg continuing - the pointy toe will further draw the eye outward creating even more length.


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